CCDT - Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre
CCDT stands for Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre
Here you will find, what does CCDT stand for in Entertainment under Entertainment category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre? Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre can be abbreviated as CCDT What does CCDT stand for? CCDT stands for Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre. What does Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre mean?Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre is an expansion of CCDT
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Alternative definitions of CCDT
- Catholic Charities Diocese of Trenton
- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Tulsa
- Committed Communities Development Trust
- Chiadzwa Community Development Trust
- Canadian Children's Dance Theatre
- Current Cancer Drug Targets
- Client Channel Definition Table
View 12 other definitions of CCDT on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CLP Commercial Lightning Protection
- CTLL CT Lab Ltd
- CAH Commodore Airport Hotel
- CBI Country Bob Inc
- CDS Centre for Disability Studies
- CAP Carlton Architecture Pc
- CCG Concept Consulting Group
- CSI Chi Sigma Iota
- CPIL Chepstow Plant International Limited
- CPI Castle Products Inc.
- CMC Camp Manitou Canada
- CDL Collins Debden Ltd
- CFGL Central Farmers Garage Ltd
- CBA Charlton Brown Architects
- CF The Carmel Foundation
- CPI Concierge Plus Inc.
- CPL Countryside Properties Limited
- CIMS Common Interest Management Services
- CCIPL Careers Connections International Pty Ltd.
- CCPD Commerce City Police Dept